About me:

I am a Bulgarian homeopath and founder of the ‘Homeopathy in Aquarius era’ group. Homeopathy is my love and passion and I deeply believe that this is one of the main pillars of human evolution. Thanks to the internet I heal people from all over the world. I am a Founder of ‘Homeopathyvoice Online School’ educating beginners and advanced homeopaths since 2011 with a little interruption during my education at ‘The Other Song Academy of Advanced Homeopathy.

Graduated from my initial education in the LCCH – Bulgaria in 2007. Then completed a two-year medical course at the National Sports Academy and a two-year video – course pioneered by Dr. Rajan Sankaran in the ‘Homeopathy Forum’ Center.

From 2013 to 2018 I attended annual Master’s courses in ‘The Other Song’ – Mumbai. I was working actively with Dr. Rajan Sankaran and other teachers from the Academy for five years.

Was representative of the Academy for Bulgaria organizing seminars and courses with Dr. Rajan Sankaran.

Organized the first life course in Europe with six teachers from ‘The Other Song’ Academy.

Wrote two books: ‘The New Sensation Method in Homeopathy’ and ‘Synergy in Homeopathy’. They are written in the Bulgarian language and are still not translated.

In my practice, I use classical homeopathy, sensation method, Michal Yakir’s system and background method. Also like George Vitoulkas, Jeremy Sherr, Jan Scholten, Massimo Mangialavouri, Peter Fraser, Peter Tumminello, Bhawisha Joshy, and other new-generation homeopaths.

I love spiritual psychology, shamanism, regression, re-imprinting of the matrix, meditation, art, etc., and implement them in my practice. Case taking is my passion and I love this process of understanding the human soul to the deepest point without judging him.

The purpose of ‘Homeopathy in AE’ is to uplift homeopathy as well as the general public. There are so many people who suffer from the current situation of wars, financial and health insecurity. Having in mind the ancient history we believe that though the situation seems hopeless, we are entering a new chapter of human history, full of peace, justice, and love.

How I work?

In my practice I use traditional homeopathic approach as well as new approaches like sensation method, five senses method. Also use art therapy, shamanic practices, breathing techniques, regression, meditation. For me is very important to create friendly atmosphiere for the patient as case taking is something very sacred, intime and deep j


My hobbies

I like walking in nature, reading, singing. I also like sport, dances.

My favorite author’s are: Peter Deunov (Bulgarian spiritual guide), Rudolf Steiner, Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov.  I am also interested in kabbalah, astrology, Tarot, shamanism, quantum physic (Brayan Green, Michael Talbot), psychology (Sigmund Freud, Karl Jung), philosophy (Plato), etc.


Homeopathy interview


How to help your homeopath to find out your deepest core?

As we know, the deepest reason for the disease lies not in the body, but in the spirit.

So, think about how do you feel before a homeopathy interview, what is most important for you?

What is the predominant model that repeats again and again in your own life? Meditation and self-observation help a lot in this process. Think about what is your favorite plant, mineral, or animal. Also, what is your favorite Goddess or God?

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Contact me

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    Contact details

    Mobile +447471528255″

    Facebook group ‘HOMEOPATHY IS A MIRACLE‘,
    Facebook group ‘Homeopathyvoice online school

    Facebook group ‘WeLoveHomeopathy

    e-mail: homeopathyvoice@abv.bg
    skype: genoveva.georgieva3

    Varna, Bulgaria