Paid Webinars

The Wondrous World of Actinides and Potencies

Spring discount: The two webinars at the price of one

52 instead of 100 

March 23rd, 11 a.m.-4 p.m. CET

English language with Bulgarian translation

Dear Colleagues,

We are so happy to invite you to partner with the wonderful homeopath Margriet Plouvier and dive into the wondrous world of Actinides and potencies.

It will be a series of 2 incredible, 2,30 hour webinars with Margriet Plouvier, where we will explore the fascinating and important group of remedies known as Actinides.

She is an incredible homeopath from the Netherlands with 38 years of practice. Her main focus in work has been Actinides, potencies, and children’s cases.

She combines the knowledge from Jan Scholten and Patricia Leroux and is highly appreciated by Jeremy Sherr.

Margriet has also created an extremely workable model of the functioning of different potencies by systematically and logically arranging her observations of the therapeutic effect after prescriptions. This is a great support when choosing the appropriate potency for a case. There are many theories about using the best potency, but until now, more tradition and conviction have been determinative instead of systematic research. Her work will be illustrated in many cases.

Programm: Uranium, Plutonium, Neptunium, Actinium and Curium. The underlying pathology is: nightmares, paroxysmal competition, inflammation of ears, throat, and kidney; polyps in the nose; repulsive behavior; thyroid complaints; osteoporosis; menopause; CVA; palliative before death, etc.

This webinar will be part of a 5-module course with 2 30-hour sessions.


The wondrous world of the Animal kingdom:

It will comprise 3 modules.


First and second module: Subkingdom reptiles:

  • Snakes: Crotalus cascavella, Vipera amodites, Agkistrodon piscivorus, Bungarus fasciatus,Calliophis bivirgatus, Bitis arietans
  • Lizards: Agama agama, Chlamidosaurus kingie
  • Turtles: Testudo hermanni, Testudo Greco
  • Crocodiles: Crocodilus acutus

Third module: Subkingdom fishes and mammals,

  • Fishes: Clupea harengus, Dasyatis pastinaca
  • Domestic birds.

My understanding of snakes shifted in 2018 when I understood them deeper and multidimensionally. They might resemble plants, roses, Pulsatilla, Arsenicum, Platinum… or gemstones, but with a deeper understanding of the MM and human nature and body language, the real nature of this subkingdom emerges.

With regard to the subkingdom fishes, my work is based on the work of Bhawisha Joshi and Viktoria Bodrogi and my own experience. You will see cases of diabetes and autism solved by fish remedies.

You will enjoy this course a lot.

Speaker: Genoveva Georgieva.

If you want to take part in the whole course, the price will be even more exclusive: 175 € for all modules.

Early bird payment till March 13th: 125 €.

The records will be available for 1 year.


After the payment, please mail us at, and we will send you the link a few days before the webinar/course.

This is the first free part of the Subkingdom fish topic. Enjoy!

Passcode: +#pf0G1C

We are very much looking forward to seeing you all!

Organizer: Homeopathyvoice Online School, Bulgaria

  Mineral -Animal – Plant system with the Joshis

Live seminar with Drs. Bhawisha and Shachindra Joshi (hybrid format).

 October 11th -13th

 Dear colleagues and friends, we are happy to invite you to this seminar. After a short introduction at the beginning of the Seminar for anyone who is not familiar with the MAP system, this year the Joshis will introduce the new group of fish remedies with their basic sensations, and the themes of the individual fish families and their assignments (numbers) within the MAP system, as well as the equally little-known reptile families of lizards and turtles.

   The MAP system is a live system, that has constantly been expanded, and refined through the work of Bhawisha and Shachindra Joshi, but also through cases of other homeopaths worldwide who work with this system. In the seminar, the Joshis will present their latest findings on the differentiation of vertebrates according to their classes and the relationship between the individual levels, focusing primarily on the development within the seven levels (levels 2, 4, and 6 correspond to rows 2, 4, 6 in the periodic table of the mineral elements). The differentiation of predators in level 6 (venomous snakes, birds of prey, mammals, and fish) is the highlight of this exciting seminar. As always, Bhawisha and Shachindra will support their theories with clear video cases (the written version will be sent to participants before the Seminar).

The records will be available for 3 months.

Seminar times according to CET:

Friday 11.10.2024 10:00 a.m. – 6:30 p.m. (with 2-hour lunch break)

Saturday 12.10.2024 9:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. (with 2-hour lunch break)

Sunday 13.10.2024 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. (with 1.5-hour lunch break)


Seminar: 380 €

Single day seminar: 130 €

* Early bird discount until September 31, 2024 – 330 €*

Payment details:


Important information:

Registration takes place when the seminar fee is received in the specified account. Please, send us an email when you send the fee. Thank you!

You will receive the link after October 6th.

Organizer: Homeopathyvoice Online School, Bulgaria

 Genoveva Kostova Georgieva

Love and light!

3. Курс за начинаещи в новите методи, първи модул: Подклас Magnoliidae: Camph, Nux-m, Magn-gr, Opium, Sang. 50 lv

4.Курс за начинаещи в новите методи – 2 модул. Поклас Hamamelididae. Теми, усещания и език на втора колона от растителното царство. Urtica urens, Cannabis indica, Corylus avellana, Quercus robur : общи симптоми, основни теми, рубрики, случаи, екстракт. Теми, усещания и език на втора колона от растителното царство. Urtica urens, Cannabis indica, Corylus avellana, Quercus robur : общи симптоми, основни теми, рубрики, случаи, екстракт. 

5.Курс за начинаещи в новите методи – 3 модул. Трета и четвърта колона на растителното царство. Теми, усещания и език на Caryophyllidae и Dillenidae. Cactus grandifloras, Drosera, Chocolate, Bryonia : общи симптоми, основни теми, рубрики, случаи, екстракт. 50 лв.